All is going well here. The weather is cloudy, sprinkley and fantastic. Nice to have the humidity and hot summer days gone! Still working things out for the big move, right now the focus is on the little ones. Lots to be done, and far too much money to get them there, but honestly, could I just leave them behind? Look at their little faces. Anyhow, microchips will be going in soon followed by a bucketfull of other things to do! If anyone knows of an alternative way to get cats to England, apart from FedEx as Tom has suggested, let me know!
Tom is busy running and preparing for the Marine Corps Marathon on Oct 30th, which he is going to be sooo fast in. Me, I'll be a fantastic supporter from the sidelines, and may even get the bike down and meet him along the course. Steak quesadillas seem to be his secret weapon, so I might try to sneak him one to power down about mile 18. Not really, but I'm hoping to meet him along the course and cheer him on, but am a little worried I'll just get lost and it'll be a mess. Worth a try though.
I get to go to Phoenix in 3 weeks to stay with Julie and her new little man Lucas, go to my nursing school friend Rachel's wedding, and see another friend who relocated there (April). All in 3.5 days, but it'll be fantastic. Not to mention all the other people I'm sure I'll get to see while I'm there which I'm excited about. That's about it for us. Just plugging away at work and school and plans for the future...