Speedy delivery
I delivered my first baby all on my own two nights ago!!! It was so awesome and I want to deliver even more. The momma came in and went so fast, there was no time for the doctor to get there. But what do you need him for when you've got Dr. Jessi???!! I've seen a million births, but there is something so incredible about being the one to help the baby out that is so cool. I never had the chance before because in VA there were hundreds of residents all roaming around, so anything that happened before their own doctor arrived got passed to the residents. Anyways, it was such a great experience and I'm so glad I got to do it. Maybe I'll just not call the doctors anymore and continue my birthing career!
i am so proud of you!!!!!!!!
That's so amazing! I've been in a delivery room during the miracle of birth but I'm sure that doesn't compare. Congrats!
Cali Gibbs
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