I've worked out how to post videos now just like Brandon and Alison! No one else was up at 12:45 a.m. to video except Colin and Basil, so here is their video debut!
Tom flew back to England on Thursday morning. He'll continue the job search and hopefully find us a place to stay too! He's looking forward to seeing his family while hopping between Watford and Hull. I'll be joining him in 7 more weeks, lots ahead for both of us!
So I learned a valuable lesson today: Don't make promises you don't want to keep. You see, I promised Tom a few months back that I'd go skydiving with him. Unfortunately it was in front of a lot of people and so I knew I had to follow-through with it. So today, we took a dive. Wow, I don't think, well, I know that I've NEVER been that scared in my life. I was fine, not really nervous, until I had to phsically jump/be shoved, out of that plane. The free fall was immense, feeling like 2 hours rather than 60 seconds, and I was so glad when he pulled the cord to let us float to the bottom. I'm glad to have done it, Tom and my dad are thrilled and can't stop talking about it. Good experience, but one that I'm definitely glad is behind me! What a day! (You can click on any of the photo collages to make them bigger)
Tom and I went hiking with John, Rachel, Emily and Josh at Opal Creek this weekend. Nice hike in and an amazing creek/pools and a waterfall. Everyone but wimpy Jessi went into the water because it was about -20 degrees in there! Even Josh was swimming across with all his courage! (And no, Emily's not practicing yoga or sleeping, just being goofy in the picture!)
We got our tickets!!! It's official now and we've finally got some dates and plans coming together. Tom is flying out in the morning on August 24th, back to England to find a job and a house and get settled. I'll be flying on Sept 5th to Phoenix for a week, then leaving from there for Dominican Republic on Sept 12 until the 12th of October when I'll be flying to England to join up with Tom again. It's great having dates and times and it all to be set, but now time seems to be flying past as it nears the end. So many things to do and people left to see still...we can do it!