I've had some questions about our plans and what we'll be doing. Well, as always, plans are constantly changing and developing for us. At this point, but subject to change, it looks like we'll be moving to England pretty soon.

Tom has decided that the Royal Marines wasn't for him or the best thing for us, and is now looking for employment in London and throughout other parts of England. He is thinking he'd like to do some type of security consulting/analysis type job, but is open to checking out other things as well. He'll probably head to the UK in September and begin looking for jobs and a place for us to stay. It seems better for him to go first until things are a little more sorted for us there.

While he's doing that, I'm hoping to start by spending a week in Phoenix catching up with friends, then head off to Dominican Republic. I have the opportunity to work with some friends that we met in Guatemala and have been in D.R. for the last 3+ years. It's with a group called Kids Alive that work in countries to set up orphanages and get kids off the street, give them a solid home, get them into school, and raise them in a family setting in a group home. I may be able to go there and do some health education for the homes, kids, houseparents, and others in contact with the kids. I also might be able to get the kids up-to-date on health physicals and vaccinations if everything works out. I'm so excited about this opportunity and hope all these plans come through. I hope to spend 5-6 weeks there, and know already that time will be too short. After D.R., I'm thinking I'll fly to England and meet up with Tom again. As for nursing, I need to switch my license, but can't do that until getting there as I have to go through a 1 month transition/training first. We'll see how it all goes and I'll look at jobs once I come to the end of that training.
So that's the latest for us...all definitely subject to change without notice! It's been a lot of talking and planning and changing ideas and trying to figure things out, but it's fantastic that we're coming to some conclusions. I'm excited about what is ahead for us, and mostly that we get to do it together...no more going away for a year with the Marines! I'll keep updating as we know more, but that's the latest for now. Just hanging out and working in Oregon for the moment, I've just extended my contract with the hospital through September 2nd, so I'm here at least until then!