Happy Birthday

All my great birthday presents, flowers, a new backpacking backpack, patches of some countries I've been to for my backpack, a new purse, money, a bracelet (can't see it through the vase though) and some other stuff I probably forgot. Thanks guys!!
One of the better patches "Happiness is camping at OREGON"
Can you believe Tom even surprised me by making a cheescake?? What a guy!
It was a great birthday, probably one of the best since I was about 13! We had cake and fun at work, I got flowers delivered to work for the first time by John and Rachel (and the kids), then got home to suprises from Tom, we went to Mexican food for dinner (I requested Ajo Al's in Phoenix but he said it was too far), then went shopping, and finally ended with a surpise cheesecake that Tom had made, complete with 26 birthday candles. Fun day today!